no kopipasta baby !

Monday, May 12, 2014

heart's candy.

u always do make me speechless with your words, promises, and hopes. 
u always do make me smile before sleep with your goodnight wishes.
u always do make me smile in the morning with your morning wishes.

how can i let all this things go ?
how can i ignored you ?

u the most brutal boyfriend i've ever had.
but you are the most sweetest boyfriend i've ever had.
heh. kau kasar dengan org, tapi dengan aku, kau kalah aiskrim yg cair.

hati kau keras macam batu. nak lembutkan tu satu ujian. 
nak bentuk mcm apa aku dapat sekarang tu tuhan je tahu. 
saya tahu awak baik. saya kenal awak.
everything you do, you did it for a reason :)

awak, stop bothering yourself for me. i already got more than enough what you had gave to me. if you asked me, what i want, i'll ask for one thing, your true heart. why ? coz its not that easy to have your true heart. 

your heart will do to me.  

we'll get through everything together. promise you. :)

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