no kopipasta baby !

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the answers for the quotes

there thousands of quotes we read. is it really true or not ? are we always agreed with those quotes ? here's my own oppinions on my own selected quotes...

"a good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are"

a really nice quote. but it is impossible to find a man/woman who accept us for what we are. if ada, alhamdulillah. mostly, semua indah sebelum kawin. lepas kawin its turn upside down. no more good communications and no more give and take. indah khabar dari rupa. org melayu kata, kalau bercinta kentut pun wangi, dah kawin semua tak kena. no use kalau kata betul2 kenal, sebab sbenarnya kita belum betul2 kenal. even if you have known him/her for 30 years, as long as you are not married, you are living in an acting world infront of others. be mentally, physically, emotionally prepared before getting married. because you gonna meet his/her thousands of bad habits which is not pleasuring you.

"dont confuse your path with your destination. Just because its stormy now doesnt mean you arent headed for sunshine."

yes. Tak semestinya a bad starting ended with a bad ending kan ? kadang tu a good starting pun boleh end up as a bad ending. as long as you could face everythings, please always be positive in every single problems. have faith in every things that have been writen to us by Allah. He knows well what is good for us and what is not. Theres a rainbow between every storm. be strong. keep on going.

"the only people you need in life are the ones that need you in theirs"

this one memang aku 120% agreed. why ? because we only should be with someone who really need us. not only using us for their own reasons and for their own's good. being with someone who using us is useless. sangat2 useless. its wasting your times, money, emotions and tears. dont be so stupidosss. always alert and aware in everythings. dont be a toys, dont be a parrot that always repeat what they hear.

"relationship are stronger and last longer when both people are afraid of losing one another"

really ? for my second chance in life, im hoping that the feel of 'afraid losing one another' will always be in my heart and his heart so that everythings will last forever. till jannah. but who is he? Allah planned better. I will see what He planned for me.

"theres a lesson hidden in everything. you just have to find it. "

my own life principal. cant denied because i know, Allah knows well. Why He choose me to face every single problems i had ? there must be reasons. learn something, gain something.

"sometimes you have to forget whats gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to whats coming next"

i am forgetting whats gone. trying to appreciate what i have now and always beware on whats gonna be next. be prepared. dont be too relaxed. anything could happen. just be strong. not everythings gonna be like you planned and wished for.

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