no kopipasta baby !

Friday, March 7, 2014

aku, dia & babyblue - the beginning.

1st episode.

back to June 2011..

June 20th.
i came here. with full of hopes.
one ambition which is not really what i want. - escaping from my 1st uni. heres my 2nd uni.
Allah dah aturkan.
aku teruskan. siapa tahu. mungkin ini rezeki aku.
berat hati aku. dari pantai timur, aku ke barat, kini di utara.

June 21st to June 24th.
orientation day.
pfft. boleh kira berapa kali aku attend aktiviti.
i gave thousand excuses to escape from the activities.
yeah. i manage to escape.
the senior know me well.- a girl who always sick. HAHA.
sorry senior. i hate orientation.
nasib la senior dapat super junior mcm aku.

Class day started.
dont want to talk about classes, classmates and everything.
assignments, isl, works, bla bla bla.
tak kena title. haha.
okay, move on.

First step.
one night, i got a text message from a stranger.
i cant really rememberred.
okay. now wujud watak 'dia'.
dia text. talking about ujian kecergasan or something about pj.
dia kata i need to meet dia utk bincang psl ujian.
and i was like..
 "wth ?? kenapa aku. aku bukan ketua berurusan dgn senior.dh la xknl"

class mcm biasa. - this is boring okay ?
tryin to asked some of my classmates.
are they know 'dia'.
no one knows sape dia.
yg dia pulak bajet feymes semua org kenal dia.
pfft. loser.

dia selalu stalking me.
tahu class aku, tahu siapa aku, tahu mana satu aku.
dia tu macam secret admire gitteew.
ahh. perasan !!

Recess time.
one day.......... (where it all begins)

okay, tunggu next episode aku, dia & babyblue

bye ! xoxo. 

note : ini dunia khayalan semata2.


  1. cehhh ehemmm utg lahh masuk2 dah ada admire terrr~~ kihkih keep it up! i'm waiting for the next episode kihkih

    1. kihkih. khayalan pika. khayalan. realiti tak macam ni. hihihi
