no kopipasta baby !

Friday, March 21, 2014

aku,dia & babyblue (epi. 2)

Episode 2.

Recess time.
one cafe.
cafe dekat department dia.
classmates la nak breakfast.
okay. aku follow.

Square table vs round table.
part ni awkward.
aku kt square table.
dalam cafe yg full of students.
duduk tggu classmates yg nk makan.
sitting alone waiting for them.
depan aku satu round table.
full with guys. -senior.
they started to stared at me.
okay, aku rimas. ikut hati nak blah table lain.
tapi malangnya, table lain full.
terpaksa lah stay situ.
classmates pulak lama sgt cari makanan pun.
wey, dorang senior itu kejam.
why ?
aku siap dengar kot.
one of them kata, "ok2, aku kira sampai tiga, kita semua pandang dia."
panas aku. tapi takpe. relax je.
and then, aku dgr la count tu.
and yes, they stared at me.
aku pandang buat muka ketat.- senyum ke tak ? tak payah senyum. buang masa.
well, they seems like mcm tak puas hati.
dorg buat lagi.
this time tade nak pandang. - main henpon buat bodo.
then dorg blah. yay ! selamat.

After recess.
got text message from dia.
dia tulis - "sombong kan td"
and i was likeee.... "shit! geng dia ke tadi. demmm."
aku reply. "smbong amenda.knl pun tak. mana nak tahu pape.nasib la."
dia reply. " time approach la"
aku reply. "approach? ya right. tgklah" -approach jadah ? knl pun tak.

after beberapa kali bertembung secara tak sengaja,
aku tak pernah approach anyone.
dah tak kenal. nk approach amenda.
everytime dia nampak aku.
dia approach through text message jer.
and yes. aku tetap tak tahu yg mana satu dia, siapa dia.
aku masih curious.

First hangout.

okay, tunggu next episode aku, dia & babyblue

bye ! xoxo. 

note : ini dunia khayalan semata2.

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