no kopipasta baby !

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

baking's life.

since semester baru start...
dah sambung belajar balik...
i left my hobby behinds....

aaaaa. rindunya nak bakinggggg!!!!
suka buat dessert.

kalau hostel ni aku boleh letak oven, kukus smua kan syokkk.
boleh baking.
serius rindu baking.
suka cuba new recipe almost everyday.
nak2 plak yang ada ingredients cheese.
lagi sukaaaa.
tapi tak boley makan.
sedih. boleh buat, tapi tak boleh makan.

feel the excitement of waiting the cake and cookies to fully cooked in front of the oven. raawwr !
bila benda kita buat menjadi, rasa hebat gilaaa. hahaha.

i should find someone who willing to be my tester. hahahaha.
anyone ???? sedap ke tak, itu nasib. hahahhahaha.

cant wait to be home and do some bakinggggg! :)

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