no kopipasta baby !

Monday, July 7, 2014

dear you

do you know how hard the life be without you ?
im sure you do.
just like what you felt before.

im sorry to put you in those situations.
where problems are our biggest enemies.
where certain people are our biggest enemies.

just like what you said to me,
past is past.

the hurts that we  felt before, unite us.
we are thankfull and blessed for everything that happened before.
everything happened for a reason.
and only we knew what the reason was.

back on the first place we met.
theres nothing going on between us.
it was just like two strangers having a conversations.
having a dinner together.
talk, laugh, and smile to each other for the first time.
how can i forget that day. its such a joy.

our first blind date. is it meaningfull to you dear ?
it was to me. why ?
because its the beginning of our most adventure life.

like a story line.

the exposition : things started easy at the beginning. first blind date.

the rising : started to know each other better. and guess what. we started to love each other right ? we just dont fight for it.

CLIMAX : i hate this part. where theres so many problems. too much conflict that keep us apart. at this time we just realized that we need each other more than we thought. deep inside, we knew we do love each other. is it too late ? too late to realized everything ? i thought im not going to see you again. we thought it was over. our heart hurts much with them.

we apart.

we thought our life could be better without each other. we are wrong. damn wrong.
you become worst, and unmanageable. didnt ate anything for many days. your study were totally out. crying for few days. ohmy. how could i did this to you.. now i realized how much important i am to you as a source of strength to you everyday. im sorry to put you in this. i do feel the same just like you do when we apart..

the falling action :
we started to fight for feelings. one by one we settled the problems. settled together. we started to become the reason why we raised. again, you became my backbones and i became yours. Alhamdulillah. we were back together again. still fighting for our dreams. still strive for goals. day by day, the love grows. even sometimes we quarrel much, the love become stronger. do you realized ? each time we argue, the stronger the love. isnt it amazing ? after what we have been through before, we deserve this baby. we deserved this happiness.

the denouement :
creating our own family.
the solemnization. - we are on our way for this dear. may Allah ease everything for us. amin.


baby, i do really appreciate everything you done for me. thankyou awak. thankyou so much.


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