no kopipasta baby !

Thursday, July 3, 2014

dear you,

how would i express my love to you ?

i love you till the sun turned into purple.

i love you till the raindrops becomes chocolate drops.

i love you till the clouds turned into cottons.

i love you till the lava turned into melted gold.

i love you till a mute man tells his deaf friend about a blind man that saw a guy with no legs walking on water.


dengan izin Allah...I WILL LOVE YOU TILL JANNAH.
and i know, you will always love me more than i do.

your imperfections complete me.
my imperfections complete you.

hold my hands, and be with me.
let us walk together.
walk through the pains and charmed together.
overcome the pains.
overcome the sadness.
together we conquer our world.
to create a wonderfull blessing life's.
to create a new world full of joy.
i cant done everything without you.
i need you to make my dreams come true.
to make your dreams come true.
and make our dreams come true.

your imperfections complete me.
my imperfections complete you.

Thankyou for everything you have done to me.
Thankyou for each seconds you spend for me.
Thankyou for each seconds you remember me.
Thankyou for holding my back.
Thankyou for fulfill your promises.

RatuHati awak.

see you soon my other half. :')

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