no kopipasta baby !

Friday, June 13, 2014

quality times

every school holidays, 
mesti ada family days.
mesti ada plan.
last year aku dah organize satu family day.
well oraganized and well planned.
then family's fishing trip dah 2 times berjaya dilaksanakan.

cuti penggal kali ni...aku plan lagi.
this one last minute plan yang aku buat.
weee. picnic.
simple yet memorable.
tak semua yang dapat join.

here's our great moments.

The quality times with le familia. They cant be replaced. Will be in my hearts forever. Thank you for the great times. We will spend our times some more this year-end. I'll figure out something for us. hewhew.

Rayyan Darwisyh, we are so sorry because we have been bullied you all day long. We love you much Yayen. Baby, please dont cut your hair. You just too cute with your hairdo. Aww. macam girl ! Haha.
Dont regret to have us in your cheerish life sayang. Loves, kakak-kakak dan abang-abang. 

psstt... len kali jangan jadi si bongsu ! ;)

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