no kopipasta baby !

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Oktober - month of rezeki.

Banyak rezeki masuk bulan ni.
My lucky month i guess.
Birthday's month.
Unlike before,
This year sangat ohsem.
Praised to Allah.
Thanks mummy..
Thankyou for bring me to this world.
and family, thankyou for the cake and celebration.
and also you my heart, thankyou for everything, the gift and wishes.

This month is the month of luxury.
A reward for myself.
Gifts for myself.

For those who wished me, pray for me, thankyou.

Happy 23rd to me ;)

suprise dr org jauh on 16th.
suddenly got a call from unknown,
suruh datang ambik brg dekat gate.
i was wonder, brg apaa...mana ada order anything.
turun punya turun..
naaahhhh! a bouquet of flower yg dah macam satu pasu!
a card written, "happy birthday baby. ily so much. from : nano "
heee. aaaaa. tacing. sweet tetiba ni. padahal dia kt melaka time ni.
senyum sorang. rasa nak nangis. rasa bahagia. rasa segan.
all in one. semua ada.
anyway, tqvm syg. ily too.

on 18th.
he cameee!! yay.
all away long from tpg to pahang.
nk teman gf balik kedah punya pasal.
nak jadi driver.
singgah cameron dulu.
a birthday treat for me.
a short vacay as another present.
a moment to remembered.
tq for this precious time bby.

and i got another bouquet from him.
this time by his own hand.
aiyooo. manis sgt dah gemuk ni.
bg dekat public pulaakkk.
dengan dia senyum-senyum kt aku,
aaaa. panas muka maluuu.
2nd bouquet. tq sayang.

and here are those bouquet.
24 roses.
heee. tq awak. 

moments goes on.
on 19th.
a whole day with him.
keluar lunch kt jitra, makan nasi.
then ada orang nk subway, okay, mkn subway pulak kt alor star.
habis ronda as, balik jitra.
singgah taman tasik, having abc n keropok lekor lagi.
malam keluar dinner sambil tgk bola pulak.

buggy ride.
im the driver.
he's the passanger.
he's the boss.
org tgk pelik, tapi kami peduli apa.
haha. moments count!!

thankyou bby for this awesome mj.

a self-reward.
all in one makeup kit from vj.
and helloooooo victoria jackson!
here comes nude face style.

and the most meaningful things i've ever bought for myself through out these 23 yrs, my baby panther. *no picture of baby panther*  alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah.

and to my gemok, tqsm on each moment's count with you. which is total for 5 days. tq.ily. you made my birthday this year so awesome. miss u. ily.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Aidiladha spent well.

Sebab tak sempat nak balik,
so, tumpang rayaaa.

Raya with love.
Thankyou for everything...
Nanti baking lagi ;)

balik kampung ;)

org baru yang nerd.